How to sell more on Shopify: proven strategies to boost your e-commerce sales
Learn how to get your first shop sales or scale your online brand

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, success relies on the ability to consistently attract customers and drive sales. Shopify, the leading e-commerce platform, empowers entrepreneurs to build and manage their online stores effectively. However, achieving sustainable growth in such a competitive market, requires implementing sound online sales strategies and leveraging emerging, less-known marketing channels. Learn how to get your first sales or scale your online e-commerce business with pro tips.

1. Find your value proposition


The key to successful marketing lies in understanding the unique value proposition of your brand and products. Conduct surveys, analyze customer feedback, and identify the factors that differentiate your offering from that of competitors'. Once you have identified your core value proposition, ensure it encompasses every aspect of your marketing efforts, from website messaging to social media campaigns.

2. Embrace search engine optimization (SEO)


Optimize your website content and product descriptions to rank higher in search engine results. use relevant keywords throughout your store, ensuring they align with user search queries, and focus on long-tail, less competitive and lower volume search queries to give yourself a fair chance to compete. Update your content regularly with new blog posts, product information, and promotional offers to maintain search engine visibility and improve your store reputation on Google and other search engines.

Pro tip: Don’t just guess, leverage one of the many SEO tools available like Semrush, Moz or Ahrefs and sign up to Google Search Console to keep track of your progress.

3. Leverage new, fast-growing e-commerce platforms


Expand your reach beyond traditional, overcrowded marketplaces and explore emerging marketing platforms. Agora, the world's store, is a prime example. By leveraging Agora's customers, you can connect with potential shoppers searching for specific products aligned with your offerings across the world without losing a % of you revenue. Depending on your store's location, another fast-growing markeplace is, which is taking away more and more marketshare from Amazon and Ebay in the United Kingdom and Europe.

4. Try search and social advertising channels


Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Search Ads offer unparalleled reach and targeting capabilities, allowing you to connect with ideal customers browsing their favorite social media feeds or searching for specific products online. These channles can generate explosive traffic and sales, especially when paired with captivating visuals and compelling ad copy. However, a word of caution: social advertising has become increasingly competitive, driving up ad costs and making campaign optimization complex for beginners. Be prepared to invest time and resources in learning ad creation, budget allocation, and data analysis to truly reap the benefits of these platforms. While the potential rewards are significant, success on social ads requires commitment, experimentation, and a willingness to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of online advertising. if you're a newcomer, consider partnering with a marketing agency or expert to ensure your advertising budget yields worthwhile results.

5. Run abandoned cart email campaigns


Approximately 70% of online shoppers abandon their carts before completing a purchase. Utilize abandoned cart email campaigns to recapture these lost sales. Personalized emails reminding customers of their unfinished purchases, offering incentives, or highlighting specific products can significantly increase conversion rates.

Pro tip: Offer time limited discounts to these potential customers to improve your conversion rate. It's an easy conversion tactic to integrate and test on Shopify.

6. Harness the power of customer reviews


Social proof is a powerful motivator in online purchasing decisions. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your website, product pages, and social media platforms. These authentic testimonials serve as endorsements, building trust and credibility among potential buyers.

7. Implement upsells and cross-sells


Upselling encourages customers to upgrade to a higher-end version of a product, while cross-selling prompts them to purchase complementary items. Strategically placed upsells and cross-sells can increase average order value and boost revenue without compromising customer experience.

8. Offer free shipping and premium payment options


Free shipping is a highly valued incentive that can significantly increase cart conversion rates. Explore free shipping thresholds or purchase minimums to balance costs and customer satisfaction. Additionally, consider offering alternative payment options, such as PayPal and ApplePay, to cater to a wider customer base. Luckily, Shopify enables you to accept various types of payments.

9. Prioritize customer service


Exceptional customer service is the cornerstone of building loyal customer relationships. Respond promptly to inquiries, address concerns efficiently, and go the extra mile to resolve issues. Positive customer experiences encourage repeat purchases, positive reviews, and brand advocacy leading to more online sales.

10. Reward customer loyalty


Incentivize repeat business by implementing a customer loyalty program. Offer points or rewards for purchases, exclusive discounts, or early access to new products. these loyalty programs foster customer engagement and enhance brand loyalty.

Pro tip: Your customers are your best sales strategy, a referral program can go a long way, mainly when kickstarting your online store

Increasing your Shopify store's sales requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. By optimizing your website, leveraging emerging marketing channels, enhancing customer experience, and implementing loyalty programs, you can effectively attract new customers, drive sales, and establish a thriving e-commerce business. If you are interested in selling more, sign up to Agora and leverage the fastest growing marketplace for online shopping worldwide.

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Agora is the world's store

Sell on Agora easily with Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix and Squarespace.

  • Increase your revenue without losing a percentage of your margin.

  • Your Agora store is always synced with yours. No uploading products or doubling work.

  • Own your customer data to grow your brand and nurture your new clients

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