Merchant hub

Advice and industry news for e-commerce merchants

How to sell more on Shopify

Proven strategies to boost your Shopify store revenue.
May 2024
5 min read

How to sell more on Woo Commerce

Proven strategies to boost your WooCommerce store revenue.
May 2024
5 min read

Agora vs Shop App

Detailed comparison of Agora and Shop App for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Amazon

Detailed comparison of Agora and Amazon for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Etsy

Detailed comparison of Agora and Etsy for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Ebay

Detailed comparison of Agora and Ebay for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Walmart

Detailed comparison of Agora and Walmart marketplace for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Target

Detailed comparison of Agora and Target plus marketplace for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Tools every e-commerce store needs

Convert more, give better experiences and make your life easier with this shortlist of tech tools.
Jun 2024
6 min read

How to build a high converting online store

Convert more, give better experiences and make your life easier with this shortlist of tech tools.
May 2024
7 min read

How to take e-commerce product pictures that sell

Wow potential customer, and convert more sales with this guide of effective online products pictures.
Jul 2024
7 min read

Potential Google breakup offers opportunity for search engines like Agora

How online stores can leverage new search engines to sell more and find the right audience for their products.
Aug 2024
5 min read
Case study

Agora brings Calzuro brand awareness and a 32% CPC reduction

How Calzuro grew their Shopify store traffic, brand awareness and revenue with Agora. 32% lower CAC when joining paid plan.
Aug 2024
5 min read

Online marketplaces: fee comparison for sellers

A complete breakdown of the price to sell on the most popular online marketplaces.
Aug 2024
7 min read

The basics of SEO for e-commerce stores

Learn how to get your first organic customers or scale your existing SEO strategy.
Sep 2024
7 min read

How to sell more on Shopify

Proven strategies to boost your Shopify store revenue.
May 2024
5 min read

How to sell more on Woo Commerce

Proven strategies to boost your WooCommerce store revenue.
May 2024
5 min read

How to build a high converting online store

Convert more, give better experiences and make your life easier with this shortlist of tech tools.
May 2024
7 min read

How to take e-commerce product pictures that sell

Wow potential customer, and convert more sales with this guide of effective online products pictures.
May 2024
7 min read

Potential Google breakup offers opportunity for search engines like Agora

How online stores can leverage new search engines to sell more and find the right audience for their products.
May 2024
7 min read

The basics of SEO for e-commerce stores

Learn how to get your first organic customers or scale your existing SEO strategy.
Sep 2024
7 min read

Tools every e-commerce store needs

Convert more, give better experiences and make your life easier with this shortlist of tech tools.
Jun 2024
6 min read

Agora vs Amazon

Detailed comparison of Agora and Amazon for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Online marketplaces: fee comparison for sellers

A complete breakdown of the price to sell on the most popular online marketplaces
Aug 2024
7 min read

Agora vs ShopApp

Detailed comparison of Agora and ShopApp for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Etsy

Detailed comparison of Agora and Etsy for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Ebay

Detailed comparison of Agora and Ebay for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Walmart

Detailed comparison of Agora and Walmart marketplace for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read

Agora vs Target

Detailed comparison of Agora and Target plus marketplace for e-commerce merchants.
Jun 2024
4 min read
Case study

Agora brings Calzuro brand awareness and a 32% CPC reduction

How Calzuro grew their Shopify store traffic, brand awareness and revenue with Agora. 32% lower CAC when joining paid plan.
Jun 2024
4 min read