Agora vs Shop App:
which is best for merchants?

A complete guide to understanding which marketplace is best for your store

Agora allows shoppers to search, compare and purchase products sold on stores from multiple e-commerce platforms through a single check-out.

Shop App is a US-based aggregator of e-commerce stores built on Shopify, which allows shoppers to discover new products and purchase them store by store.


Pros & Cons of Agora and Shop App

Pros & Cons of Shop App

For merchants

  • Available in the U.S. through the Shop App web and mobile apps.

  • No margin commission on sales, free service for Shopify sellers.

  • Very easy to onboard and update your stock.

  • Only available to stores built on Shopify.

  • Does not offer a single check-out experience for shoppers. Shoppers will be prompted to pay individually to each separate store during a multi-product check-out.

Pros & Cons of Agora

For merchants

  • Does not charge sellers a commission on sales. Product is available for merchants with stores built on Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix and Squarespace.

  • Onboarding and uploading your stock takes less than 2 minutes. You can always update your stock with one click.

  • Single check-out experience for shoppers so they can seamlessly buy from multiple e-commerce stores at once.

  • Currently available only for U.S. merchants and shoppers. More countries coming soon.

  • Currently only accessible via web app on desktop and mobile.

Detailed information

In depth comparison of Agora and Shop App

Merchant features
- U.S. coverage
- Automatically uploads seller's full product catalogue
- Advertising and PPC options
- U.S. coverage
- Automatically uploads seller's full product catalogue
- Directly integrated with Shopify store
- Web app
- Web App
- Mobile App
Onboarding and stock management
Very easy, automatically synced
Very easy, automatically synced
Free serve with optional paid advertising/subscription plans
200,000 monthly searches
+20 million downloads
Customer data
Available transparently
Available transparently
Shopify integration

Choosing the right platform to sell on depends on your needs. If your selling platform is Shopify, Shop App is a hassle and risk-free bet. However, if you sell on different platforms and want to boost your online visibility with a quick onboarding, Agora is the best choice to scale your sales.

Why join

Agora is the world's store

Sell on Agora easily with Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix and Squarespace.

  • Increase your revenue without losing a percentage of your margin.

  • Your Agora catalogue is always synced with yours.
    No re-uploading products or doubling work.

  • Own your customer data to grow your brand and track your new clients.

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